• Educated with a minimum of a high school diploma or GED.
  • Equipped with the necessary knowledge and skills to thrive as adults. They will learn life skills, personal finance, risk management, and driving skills, among other important topics and skills.
  • Gainfully employed or pursuing gainful employment on exit. 
  • Mentally and emotionally prepared for adulthood as they gain new skills and put them into practice. They will be excited about their life; encouraged by knowing that they can indeed succeed; and energized by having a new sense of hope. This hope is what will fuel their excitement, encouragement, and energy.
  • Socially prepared for adulthood as they learn to engage with people their age and the broader community, feel endeared (for maybe the first time), and elevate their life by taking it into their own hands (also for the first time).
  • Spiritually prepared for adulthood by hearing and, Lord willing, responding to the Gospel of Christ. It is our hope that the hearts and minds of all graduates will be enlightened by God’s Word so they can experience the edification that only the Holy Spirit can provide.